New Year – Looking Back and Looking Forward

New year gives an excellent opportunity to reflect on the past and make plans for the future; due to less visitors than expected in the Christmas period I have had more time to engage in this useful activity.

2022 was a big year for me, particularly moving school for sixth form. This has been a huge success, studying English language and making new friends.  Outside of school my main focus remains advocating for literacy teaching for all pupils, and last year I attended 33 meetings about this.  It’s encouraging to see some shifts in thinking and practice as more special schools raise expectations for what is possible. 

Sharing my faith is a great privilege, and last year I was given the opportunity to do this at four very different occasions: the short testimony which I gave at school is below.

For each new talk I give I spend an hour writing and preparing per minute; and if the talk is being presented as a film it takes my mother, carers, and my voice, Alaric, a further hour per minute to put it together.

This year outside of school I will continue my advocacy work as a voice for the voiceless, and taking opportunities to share my faith. I also plan to use my time more efficiently so I get a chance to write more poetry. So, starting as I mean to go on I offer you my first poem of the year.

What are your priorities for 2023?

The short testimony I shared at school

5 thoughts on “New Year – Looking Back and Looking Forward

  1. What a beautiful description of the New Year’s Eve moment! I thank you for who you are and for sharing your experiences and insights so painstakingly with the world.
    My world is richer since I met you in the Summer and read your eye-opening book about your life.
    I bless you and yours for a fruitful, joyful 2023.

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  2. What a beautiful description of the New Year’s Eve moment! I thank you for who you are and for sharing your experiences and insights so painstakingly with the world.
    My world is richer since I met you in the Summer and read your eye-opening book about your life.
    I bless you and yours for a fruitful, joyful 2023.

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  3. Happy new year Jonathon! I wish you a fantastic year with your studies, ministries and family/friends. I hope you discover more things about Jesus that will not only move you to tears, but make you laugh and laugh and laugh wven more, for what a joy he is!

    I count it a priviledge to have been gifted your (first) book last year.

    I find book writing – the editing part – difficult, so I have great respect for all you have accomplished. Through your book, I have also learnt 8 new words!

    Looking forward to perusing your blog.

    Much love,



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  4. Hi Jonathan, Thank you for this one and the last. I meant to write ages ago to say how thrilled I was to hear that you had an opportunity to address the whole school and talk about your faith. May every seed sown get routed and grounded and flourish in years to come. What an opportunity and well done you for grabbing it. When I was a governor at Westonbirt I watched the decreasing opportunities for Christian witness, but now it seems you have opened a new door for God’s Kingdom to come. I will be seeing Alice in a few weeks when she brings the confirmation candidates here for a mini retreat and hear more about how it all went down at school. Thank you too for your poem which I have sent on to our children and grandchildren. There have been some challenging events to cope with over the last year and it is so good to reflect on God’s Grace in each and every one of them. Looking forward is OK too, and full of hope knowing that we will be held by His Grace and guiding hand whatever is round the corner. Much love to you all Henny and John

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