Sir Michael – the Master Storyteller

Yesterday, my sisters and I had the privilege of seeing our names in a book – and no, I haven’t written another book already!  Back in April this year Sir Michael Morpurgo wrote and asked if he could dedicate his book, Grandpa Christmas to the three of us – if that was ok with us.  Of all the questions I have been asked, this was the easiest to answer.  The unbridled joy as my sisters and I danced to the equal honour; not just for me with them tagging along, but all of us on the page sharing the moment together.

Today, my literary hero turns the grand age of 75.  I haven’t got a book to offer him, so instead I have written him this poem as a token of my love and admiration for my friend, who has taught me so much.

Happy birthday Sir Michael!


Sir Michael – the Master Storyteller

Painting with words on the canvas of my mind,

Scenes from your dreams become my visions alive,

Landscapes explored, travelling historical times,

Tales of animals’ gentle spirits released,

Horrors of war from the champion of peace,

My master of stories your friendship bequeathed.

 Sir Michael Morpurgo_Moment

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