The One Show

Excited to be appearing on The One Show tonight – BBC 1 7pm.  Here is a poem I was writing on the day that they came to film.


Teach Us Too Tanka


Motionless caged birds

dank winter everlasting

stop! When will this end?

life giving spring erupting

calling flocks hovering high


© Jonathan Bryan






3 thoughts on “The One Show

  1. Hi Jonathan. Saw you on the One Show with Mummy. You are a superstar. Gil and I are really proud to be able to tell all our friends that you are family. We have all signed your petition too. My friend’s little girl has CP too and she thinks you are amazing for all that you have done! Well done. Lots of love from Gemma Gil Caitlyn Kieran and baby Carys. Xx


  2. So lovely to see you in person and hear your mom speak. Wonderful interview and hopefully a great boost to your campaign. Well done all of you. It’s about time the wider community heard about the children who are locked in but oh so wise – I have seen the wisdom in so many years over my time working in paediatrics as an occupational therapist – and wondered when the educators would catch up with their needs and abilities.


  3. Sorry that I have only just seen your petition, as a former special school headteacher I am saddened that you have not recieved adequate support to help with communication. Could I suggest you contact CENMAC, Centre for Communication in London, who have developed over many decades fantastic systems to aid communication. They have an assessment form, and costs should be met by your Local Education Authority. Unfortunately parents are still having to fight to get their statuatory rights met for their child.


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